What does NWC believe is creating the plaque?

We believe that there is not one piece to this puzzle. We think a synthesis of various obstacles is creating the plaque. Our curiosity about memories is a piece of the puzzle we work with to assist the greater puzzle. We wonder if it is possible to mitigate the plaque by harnessing our dreamstates (in the subconscious) and guiding them to resolve trauma memories. Facts of the events cannot be changed. They happened. How we feel about those facts, we believe, can be changed though the dreamstates. We also firmly believe we are all designed to heal our memories.

Mr. James Coker shares his experiences observing Dylan Rumley working with his wife who has Lewy body dementia disease which affect chemicals in the brain whose changes, lead to problems with thinking, movement, behavior and mood. 


1. What is Alzheimer’s?
A progressive, degenerative disease that disrupts nerve cells, neurons that creates a loss of memory, thinking, language skills and behavioral skills. This is also defined as dementia and lewy body disease. Currently, statistically worldwide it  affects 44 million people. In the US estimated cost is $236 Billion. 1 in 9 Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. The death process can be decades.

2. What is the role that the NWC creates in assisting this disease?
We believe it is possible to have a more peaceful life and death if the subconscious dream states are harnessed differently through medical hypnotherapy. We also wonder if unresolved memories are contributing to creating the plaque. If we are correct then as stress is now known to contribute to disease and heart attacks perhaps unresolved trauma memories are creating the plaque in the brain.

3. What is Medical Hypnotherapy?
To quote Dr. Spiegal at Stanford University: “It is a powerful means of changing the way we use our minds to control perception and our bodies.”

Our subconscious operates in the mind beneath the conscious awareness and stores all experiences as sensory data. In other words memories are alive.The Subconscious does not recognize linear time. The subconscious is 90% of our awareness belief system. The hypnotic sessions are a verbally guided tour. By relaxing the muscles in your body, softening your thought process and creating more positive imagery for change, the subconscious learns a new pattern of  behavior.

Once a relaxed state is achieved the client is guided into visualization of positive outcomes of their desired  feeling goals. In the case of Alzheimer’s perhaps a healing of memories and a more peaceful death. It is what we all desire to achieve, ultimately.

4. How do you use medical hypnotherapy with Alzheimer’s?
First, we take music with a specific sound hertz. Much research has been created around  the resonance of creating wave patterns in the brain. We have many links on our website for this research.

Second, we take this background music and then add a guided imagery. A verbal guided tour for our clients to assist them in healing memory traumas that the subconscious  could not file properly because they could not be completed to a positive state of feeling. In the case of some Alzheimer patients they relive trauma memories over and over again as if they are still happening to them. Analogy is a needle stuck on a record player.The subconscious does not recognize linear time. A memory is alive. It can be archived in your filing system named the subconscious completions or perhaps compartmentalized in a file box named, “I cannot fix this so I am putting it in a box.” We wonder if the stickiness of the plaque is the oozing of these memories out of that box. We use this as a metaphor. FACTS of the events CANNOT be changed. They happened. How we FEEL about those facts CAN be changed.

We do work one-to-one and give an individual approach to the client. We desire to reach more families with this possibility to harness stress differently and give their loved one a more peaceful death.

6. The music is for family members, too?
Absolutely, they are under a great deal of stress. The guided imagery is designed for anyone to heal their subconscious filing systems.

7. What is the NWC mission for Alzheimer’s patients and family members/friends?
We create guided imagery to assist in  healing your memory files. We want more people healing themselves in the dream states. NWC enthusiastically open sources its imagery for that purpose. We also, in the future, will create packets of imagery and other tools for hospice to assist families and patients.

                                                        Plato’s Cave

The premise of the allegory is that we are shackled and we believe the shadows are real until we are led into the light. My personal take on this allegory is that we believe we are shackled to our past experiences because we wear the shackles created by them. We believe they are locked. They are not. That is the awakening moment of awareness of another emotional reality. A new belief is born in our consciousness.

In the dreamstate we remove the shackles and leave the cave thereby entering into the light of new experience/awareness and belief of ourselves. You are then alive in the present moments without the echo of our past experiences.

Our opinion and many others is that there are not bad nor good feelings. Simply feelings. We can become glued to our past trauma through feelings. Layers and layers of it over time. In the dreamstate we can resolve these feelings attached to experiences. 

We believe that you can heal your memories of trauma and exit the dark labyrinth even if you have Alzheimer’s disease. We serve as a reminder that you always carry the golden thread of Theseus. The menataur is your fear. The golden thread is a tool of guided imagery to allow you to heal your trauma memories and exit the labyrinth with effort that feels effortless.