that you are moving towards something exciting? That you are fulfilling your chosen life purpose?

You and I start with the feelings you desire to experience. We get clear on the emotional experience you want, then we release the old patterns of thought, in your subconscious mind, that are holding you back from your destiny. For example, you may desire to feel joy, happiness, creativity, excitement, grounded, on purpose, or meaningful in more moments of your life.

The subconscious mind gets bogged down with the clutter of conflicting voices and incessant negative chatter from past experiences. Such distraction leads to lack of clarity, nervous energy, and un-centeredness.

People are naturally designed to grow, learn and be happy. Just as a garden will flourish with sunlight, good soil and adequate nutrients: under the right conditions the cells in the brain will naturally reach out, intertwine and communicate with each other in a way that makes sense of the world. When in balance, the brain and the rest of the body naturally communicate to produce a sense of well-being and happiness.

Yet due to trauma or chance events during development, the brain and body can get stuck in unhelpful patterns. The natural growth and and vitality of the brain, the balance of emotional health, can be blocked or upended.